Monday, August 20, 2012

Here's What You Missed

(Note to the reader: the pictures in this post are all old. None of them were actually taken this week. I just love them and decided to use them today Because #1-I love pictures. #2-you love seeing pictures)  :)

I apologize for being AWOL (absent without leave) for the past few days. I usually post on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays…but some crazy stuff happened here this week, so I was absent from the world of blogging. But hey, I only missed one day, so I'm doing good, right??

Here's a quick review of my week up until Thursday when all the crazy stuff happened.

Monday: I watched my siblings while my younger brother went to the orthodontist. He gets his braces off in February! And he's super excited!! Although it'll be strange seeing him without braces. 

Oh yeah and this past Thursday, the 9th, one of my best friends got her braces off. She is soooo happy!
stole this pic off her sister's blog
That there's. Madeline. Or Bubble as I call her. That picture doesn't portray the real her. She doesn't always look like a model. :)

There. Now that's more like it. (I'm wearing the grey, she's wearing yellow, if you wondered. The girl you hear laughing in the background is my friend, Abby, and the girl who talks at the end is Victoria, Bubble's sister. She was our camera lady! :)

I don’t know exactly what we were trying to accomplish in that video. Just making complete fools of ourselves basically. For the record that was years ago. We were both 15 years old. So yeah, two years ago. :) Oh well, you'll do anything after you've been downtown all day, and worn several strapless dresses and had frozen coffee and laughed way too much.(Hopefully she won't kill me for posting that!)

Tuesday: Stayed home most of the day. Cleaned my room. Practiced piano and worked on Wednesday's blog post.

Wednesday: I loved pretty much everything about Wednesday! It was a fun day. I got up fairly early, like 6:45. I ate breakfast, worked out (oooohhh the pain!) took a quick shower, did my hair and makeup (doing my hair means I glanced in the mirror and ran my hand through it and said, "oh yeah it's fine." Haha)

 I went into town with Mom and John-boy, my younger brother, who had a speech therapy appointment. He officially graduated and can now say his r's better than anyone else in our house!! 

After that we got lunch from Chick-fil-a and ate at my grandma's office. We then headed to Becca's parents house for a bridesmaid dress fitting. It's a beauty but a little too big on the top, so Mrs. Norman is gonna fix it up good! I was really so amazed at her work, and the dress is everything I hoped it would be and so much more!! Plus it has pockets!! 
Why does this baby have to be so stinkin' cute?? Zeke, you're awesome!! :)

After the dress fitting, I got to hang out all afternoon with one of my favorite people. Ms. Kathy and I have known each other since I was a kid, and her husband, Mr. Bryan taught my Sunday school class when I was in 4th, 5th and 5th grade. No, you read that right. I went through 5th grade twice. Anyways, over the past several months, Ms. Kathy and I have grown really close and have shared many long talks, lots of emails and a love for Jesus. So that was awesome. She has a sweet, funny personality and I love being with her. (we have yet to get a picture of us together. We need to fix that soon!) 

 After coffee and laughing and talking to three of her four sons, we headed to church. We're both involved in orchestra (along with two of her four sons!) and it worked out that we were all playing on the same night.
Orchestra was fun as always! I'm loving being back in and playing and just being so happy to sit at a keyboard and do something I love. Everyone has been so friendly and welcoming and I have loved every single minute of it! 

So basically that's my life up until Thursday morning. But once Thursday came...boy! Well, that's a whole 'nother story for another blog post. It wasn't anything too huge, just a brother in the hospital and an appendix being removed and all that good stuff. But now he's much better and will be coming home today. So I'll write his whole story sometime soon. 

Oh and today is my Mimi's birthday! She's probably the best maternal grandmother anyone ever had. She gives me money, candy and lets me play her awesome piano. Happy Birthday, Mimi! Hope you have many more! :)

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