Wednesday, August 29, 2012

a post about boys (and girls, too)

Ever since October of 2011, I have been praying steadily for God to provide for me. And I'm not talking about providing me with food, a home or material things like that. I'm talking about a guy. 

Every day, I ask God to prepare me to be a great girlfriend, and eventually a great wife. Every single day, I ask God to prepare "my boy" to be a great boyfriend, and eventually a great husband. I pray that he will have his eyes focused on Christ and that he'll be the most God-honoring, loving person I've ever met. 

Since October of 2011, not one day has gone by that I haven't wondered who that guy is. Or if that guy even exists. What do I mean by that? Let me explain.

I think that deep down, we are all looking for "the perfect guy." Someone who knows exactly how to compliment us, someone who loves Jesus with his whole heart, someone who will be a leader, someone who will notice when we buy a new shirt, someone who will let us be emotional and just hold us and never say anything, someone who will never get angry, someone with a brilliant sense of humor, who will make us laugh and forget all our problems, and you know what? I've never met anyone like that. 

My dad and my older brothers are my heroes.. But they get angry. They argue. They have yelled. In other words, they aren't perfect. 

So I have come to this conclusion:

There is not one single guy out there that is perfect. (Sorry to burst your bubble like that.)

I've met several guys over the past few years/months. I've talked to a lot of them. I've laughed at their jokes, and let them hold the door for me. I've let them be gentleman and I've let them just be boys. But it's just as simple as this: they aren't perfect and they never will be.

A lot of the guys I know are immature and don't have that great of a relationship with Jesus. Some of them are mature and some are arrogant. Some of them fake the relationship with Christ just to get a girl. That is sickening.

But here's a question: do we ever do that? When we meet a guy who apparently really loves Christ and works hard on his relationship with Christ, do we start carrying around our Bible with us everywhere and quoting scripture and start reading books by John Piper or J.I. Packer or David Platt and be all holy? Am I guilty of that? 

I like to call it the "church suit" or the "company suit" or the "oh-there's-a-really-cute-godly-guy suit". It's this "suit" that we put on when we're around certain people. It's not the real us. It's not the real you or me. 

I've found out that you can get anything you want by being fake. But think about it this way: do you want to be in a relationship with a guy who cusses like a sailor when he's not in church? Or someone who lies constantly? Someone who really doesn't love Jesus as much as you thought he did? Of course we don't want that!

So...why do we fake it sometimes? Why do we pretend to be all spiritual? Or why do we act a certain way, or do a certain things or talk differently? 

If we want guys to be real with us, then girls, let's be real with them. 

No there is no perfect guy out there, but there is someone who is just right for you. He will be the most amazing guy you've ever met, and he'll be perfect for you. He won't be perfect when you meet him and he won't be perfect when you're 60 years old, but he'll be perfect for you!  

And that, my friend, is exciting. 
Let's not be worried about having to be different "in order to get a guy" and let's not worry about finding the perfect guy. God will provide! He always has, He always will. Trust Him. He'll never let you down. I promise. 


  1. Wow.. That was incredible! I have never thought about being fake or anything. This might be the most inspirational post I have ever read!


    1. Thanks, Em! I think it's one of those things that we do without thinking about it. It's so important to be real, because...the guy God has for you will love you just the way you really are! :)


  2. Such a beautiful post!! I want my friend to read this because she is really struggling with waiting for the right guy right now.

    1. Thanks, Megan! I hope this is an encouragement to your friend, and I know how hard waiting can be. If she needs some love, just tell her to shoot me an email! :)


Thank you so much for reading and commenting! You make me smile! Have a fantastic day, friend.