Wednesday, September 18, 2013

a happy birthday post for my girl Kenz

today...well, today is a very special lady's birthday. and honestly, I so wish I could be with her today to go grab coffee and give her birthday hugs and gifts. but unfortunately we live hundreds of miles away from each other.

this girl, well, she's quite the character. she's funny. she's sarcastic. (just like me!) she has a huge heart. she loves Jesus so so much. she struggles daily and she still smiles. she loves running and coffee and One Direction...specifically Niall Horan. she may be a wee bit obsessed with that blonde Irishman. oh, you want picture proof? here ya go.

isn't she cute? yep.

she and I "met" via Instagram. she sent me a request to follow my IG. I clicked on her profile to check her out. she had this witty bio written out, and I learned one BIG thing from that witty bio. Kenzie and I are. twins. except...she's younger than me...and we don't look anything alike. and she lives in Minnesota and I live in South Carolina. but other than that, yep, we're twinners.

so she's basically gorgeous and funny and my hero. this girl struggles with Juvenile Arthritis. some days she hurts so bad, and she's real about it. she admits that some days it kills her. but the next day, she is smiling again, taking small steps towards heaven, where she can run her heart out and not worry about the pain.

she is such a great girl. really.

Kenzie, Kenz, Kenz. girl, I can't tell you how glad I am that you started stalking  following me on Instagram. I am so so so thankful for your friendship. someday we are gonna meet up and jam in one of our cars to really loud music, and then drink way too much coffee and just have a great time. can't wait. as you're turning the big 1-8, remember that I love you very much! and hope today is awesome and totally rocks your socks off. LOVE YOU! xoxo.

1 comment:

  1. yay! yay! yayyy for birthdays!! :)

    hope you're having a happy happy day, jennifer. <3



Thank you so much for reading and commenting! You make me smile! Have a fantastic day, friend.